
Organic Inulin – fructans and fibers reducing fat and sugar 1024 819 Hafen-Mühlen-Werke

Organic Inulin – fructans and fibers reducing fat and sugar

Organic Inulin – fructans
and fibers reducing fat and sugar


There are so many names to find for it online such as “prebiotic fiber”, “organic fructans”, “vegetable fiber”, and for sure inulin. In this blog, we will call it inulin as this is what most food companies are asking for.

Great ways to improve your nutritional information without losing taste and mouthfeel

Inulin is a great way to lower sugar and/or fat in your recipes without having any lack of taste on the mouthfeel. With more than 80% of fiber this makes inulin one of the most efficient ways to lower your carbs, fats, and hence calories. As it is easy to solve and works in so many applications like ice cream, biscuits, cakes, cookies, drinks, and much more.

Go vegan – use inulin!

Due to the just mentioned features it also comes into play if you want to go vegan and therefore cannot use creamy ingredients like cream or milk powder. Parts of it can be substituted by inulin and if you pair it with our new Coconutmilkpowder HMW 40 VEGAN M you will have a great combination to develop even more creamy recipes such as ice cream in all different tastes. Read more about it here: Coconutmilkpowder HMW VEGAN 40 M - go vegan go creamy....

Our Organic Inulin HMW-I is made from the best agave plants that have been grown for up to 7 years in the Mexican sun. As the structure of agave inulin is more complex compared to chicory or Jerusalem artichoke that makes it better in many ways.

To sum up, once again especially Organic Inulin HMW-I is one of the best products to increase your fibers, get healthier products as you can reduce sugar and fat without compromising on the taste. Organic inulin is available and also a possible substitute for the conventional quality as it is sold out on the market at the moment.

HANSA-MALT – pure malt extract 1024 682 Hafen-Mühlen-Werke

HANSA-MALT – pure malt extract

Malt extract is dried or liquid form for many applications

For almost 70 years malt extract has been part of our company history and that is for a good reason: this all-natural products can be used in all kinds of applications without any artificial additive, color or flavour. In all these years we have developed a broad range of products to fit our customer’s needs.

For sure the biggest difference is the consistency: liquid or spray dried. But in both categories we have several products starting from little malty, bright and sweet qualities going dark and darker to almost black with a strong roasted malt taste. For almost every kind of development we have the right quality.

With its positive influence on doughs structure, rising, riping and baking process one of the main applications is in the baking field including all kinds of mixes for breads, rolls, etc. Moreover there is a golden rule that says: “No good cornflakes without barley malt extract”. Again this is not all: HANSA-MALT products can be used in sweets, cereal bars, chocolate bars, coatings, batters, spices blends, sauces, milk products and much more. Even if you are looking for organic products we can give you the right product.

Besides human nutrition it can also be used in feed and pet food applications as we are also registered to deliver into the animal nutrition.


You are looking for gluten-free malt extract?

This isn’t an easy task as barley has quite a high natural content of gluten. That is why we are more than happy that we can offer a dark liquid quality that is legally gluten free (< 20 ppm).

Thinking of other cereal extracts?

As inquiries from our customers were more and more asking for it we have added rye malt extract to our range. This is for sure ideal for applications like rye bread and other dark bread types. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any more information or help with your development.

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